
Welcome to the events pages of the Royal Society of Chemistry NMR Discussion Group (NMRDG).

This site holds information on our forthcoming meetings and also hosts the history of NMRDG activities, from its inception in 1964 to the present day. Some further, related information can be found on the RSC site.

Membership appeal

If you are a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, but are not already a member of the RSC NMRDG Interest Group (Interest Group 54), please will you consider joining the Interest Group by simply sending an e-mail to

There is no cost associated with this, providing that you are not already part of three or more other RSC Interest Groups. Please will you provide your name and RSC membership number, and request that you would like to join Interest Group 54, NMR Discussion Group. This is important to us and, by doing this, you will be helping us to make our events accessible to more magnetic resonance spectroscopists, and sponsor more student travel. If you are unsure about whether or not you have already joined the Interest Group, please let us know and we will confirm with you directly.

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Forthcoming NMRDG meetings

Joint NMRDG/IOP BRSG Winter Meeting 2024

A 2 day meeting at RSC Burlington House, London on Thursday/Friday 12th/13th December 2024.

Further details to follow.

Forthcoming events may also be found on the RSC page.

Past events/Archive

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Other NMR meetings of possible interest

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Dr Melanie Britton is Chair of NMRDG

Melanie Britton is a Reader in Chemical Imaging at the University of Birmingham (UoB), where she established the UoB Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Facility. Over the last 20 years, she has pioneered the development of chemical and flow visualisation using magnetic resonance imaging. Most recently, she has been developing magnetic resonance techniques to probe electrochemical processes in batteries, corrosion and metal surface finishing. In 2023, she became Chair of the UK NMR Discussion Group. She was the first female Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Division of Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance, a division within the Ampere Society. She is currently an Elected Member of the Board of Trustees for the International Euromar Conference, a member of International Scientific Reviewer Panel for the Australian National Imaging Facility and a member of the advisory editorial board for Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.

Nomination for BRSG-NMRDG award 2023

Please send your nominations for BRSG-NMRDG award 2023 to John Griffin, BRSG secretary,

Deadline: 1st June 2023

Obituary Prof Ray Freeman

It is with great sadness that the NMRDG writes to inform the community that Ray Freeman passed away on the 1st of May. Ray completed his DPhil at Oxford with Rex Richards in 1957 and worked with Anatole Abragam as a postdoc. He then worked in research at Varian Associates before taking up an academic post, at the University of Oxford, in 1973. He rose to be the Aldrichian Praelector before moving to Cambridge where he was the Plummer Professor from 1987 until his retirement in 1999, remaining research active until his 80's.

Ray played a major role in the development of NMR techniques and their chemical applications. This included many new methods in 2D NMR, selective excitation and broadband decoupling that feature widely in all we do today. He was also a superb communicator, whose engaging presentations were littered with wry jokes, self-deprecating remarks, and beautiful hand-drawn slides and cartoons. He was a wonderful mentor to students and peers alike. He will be greatly missed.

Prof. Malcolm Levitt has been awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society

The Davy Medal 2021 is awarded to Professor Malcolm Levitt FRS for his contributions to the theory and methodology of nuclear magnetic resonance, including composite pulses, symmetry-based recoupling, long-lived nuclear spin states, and the study of endofullerenes byelectromagnetic spectroscopies and neutron scattering.

Obituary Prof Dr Richard R. Ernst

It is with great sadness that the NMRDG writes to inform you that Nobel Prize winner Richard Ernst passed away on Friday the 4th of June. Richard was clearly instrumental in helping NMR and MRI develop to the point where they have become essential tools used in science in health. A memorial service is planned for Friday the 18th of June, more details and the address for condolence letters can be found at:

Günther Laukien Prize 2021

Congratulations to Professor Gareth Morris FRS of the University of Manchester, who has been awarded the Günther Laukien Prize 2021 for his work on innovative NMR methods (Selective Excitation).

News archive

Home > Awards and bursaries > Awards


Prize winner of the 16th annual NMRDG postgraduate meeting 2024

Presentation prize winner

Annabel Flock, University of Edinburgh

Presentation runners up

Izzy Hehir, University of York and Ben Rhodes, University of Cambridge

Poster prize winner

Astrid Berge, University of Cambridge

Poster runners up

Ben Honoré, University of Bristol and Ananya Singh, University of Warwick

Prize winner of the 15th annual NMRDG postgraduate meeting 2023

Presentation prize winner

Emma Gates, University of Manchester

Runner up:

Emma Latchem, University of Cambridge

Poster prize winner

Callum Gater, University of York

Runner up:

Alexander Wilcock, Manchester Metropolitan University

Prize winners of the 14th annual NMRDG postgraduate meeting 2022

Oral presentation prize winner

Tommy Whewell, Lancaster University

Runners up:

Ana Silva Terra, University of York

Benjamin Duff, University of Liverpool

Nick Fowler, University of Sheffield

Poster prize winner

Ngai Lam Chung, University of Oxford

Runners up:

Aminata Sakho, University of York

Bridget Tang, Aston University

Daniel Taylor, University of Manchester

Ran Wei, University of Edinburgh

The 2022 BRSG-NMRDG annual prize winners

The BRSG-NMRDG prize is a joint award this year: Dr Chris Waudby, UCL and Dr Alice Bowen, University of Manchester

Poster prize winner of the 13th annual NMRDG postgraduate meeting 2021

Poster presentation prize winner

Emma Borthwick, University of St Andrews, "Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy to Investigate Mixed-Metal MIL-53"

Runners up:

Ran Wei, University of Edinburgh, "Catch me if you can - new stopped-flow NMR methods"

Alastair Robinson, University of York, "Towards photochemical reaction monitoring using hyperpolarised benchtop NMR spectroscopy"

Benjamin Duff, University of Liverpool, "Towards the understanding of the Li ion migration pathways in the aluminium sulfides Li3AlS3 and Li4.3AlS3.3Cl0.7 through 6,7Li solid-state NMR spectroscopy"

The 2020 BRSG-NMRDG annual prize winner - Dr Alexander Forse, University of Cambridge

Alex Forse obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge, where his research developed NMR methods for studying supercapacitor energy storage devices. This work led to new molecular-level understanding of how supercapacitors work and revealed new energy storage mechanisms. Alex then moved to the University of California Berkeley as a Philomathia Research Fellow. There, Alex developed NMR methods for understanding carbon dioxide capture in metal-organic framework adsorbents. NMR experiments on gas-dosed samples revealed new adsorption and diffusion mechanisms in promising carbon capture materials. Since 2019, the Forse Group at the University of Cambridge is exploring a range of nanoporous materials for climate change mitigation applications. Work in the group combines NMR spectroscopy, synthesis, electrochemistry and DFT calculations. A key research thrust centres on the development of electrochemical methods for carbon capture, and Alex was recently awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship on this work. As part of the award of the 2020 BRSG-NMRDG prize, Alex gave a talk on “NMR studies of Nanoporous Materials for Climate Change Mitigation” at the annual Christmas meeting in December 2020.

Presentation prize winners of the 12th annual NMRDG postgraduate meeting 2019

Oral presentation prize winner

Matthew Davy, University of Bristol, "Playing with NMR acquisition to improve data quality"

Poster presentation prize winner

Oliver Dutton, University of Bristol, "Designing for shape"

Thanks to all who took part, and a special congratulation to our winners.

The 2019 BRSG-NMRDG annual prize winner - Dr Karen Johnston, Durham University

It is a great pleasure to announce that the 2019 BRSG – NMRDG prize for Excellent Contribution to Magnetic Resonance has been awarded to Dr Karen Johnston, University of Durham.

Karen obtained her PhD from the University of St Andrews, where her research combined synthesis, multinuclear solid-state NMR, diffraction and first-principles DFT calculations of NMR parameters to study structure and ordering in the solid state, particularly in perovskites. Subsequently, Karen started her independent research career at the University of Durham, where her multidisciplinary work focuses on the application of solid-state NMR in combination with other techniques, including uSR and diffraction-based methods, for the characterisation of structure, disorder and diffusion in functional materials. In particular, she has a strong interest in energy materials, building on her post-doctoral experience in Cambridge and France. Karen has already made significant contributions in this discipline, with no fewer than 16 peer reviewed publications in high impact journals, and her work is now recognised internationally. As part of the award, Karen will present some of her most recent work at the Christmas BRSG meeting, which will be held in London on Wednesday 11th December, in addition to giving an Overview lecture at the 2019 NMRDG Postgraduate Meeting in York.

11th Annual NMRDG postgraduate meeting 2018

The meeting report is available.

As usual, presentation and scientific standards were very high. Tasked with the difficult job of choosing the best speakers and poster, the judges made these selections.

Best oral presentation

Sarah Mann, University of Warwick, "Probing structure and dynamics in ionic liquid pharmaceuticals by NMR Spectroscopy"

Runners up:

Abby Howarth, University of Durham, "Probing ion mobility in Li-stuffed garnets using multi-nuclear solid-state NMR"

Ashlea Hughes, University of Liverpool, "Ultra-fast molecular rotors within porous organic cages"

Best poster presentation (JEOL)

Emily Corlett, University of Warwick, for her work on the evaluation of a NMR crystallography-based approach for the characterisation of Lutidine Fumarate compounds

Runner up

Callum Wallace, University of Lancaster, "17O DNP Enhanced Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy at 18.8T"

Thanks to all who took part, and a special congratulation to our winners.

The 2018 Shoolery annual prize announcement - Dr Krish Krishnamurthy

Dr Krish Krishnamurthy has been recognised for his outstanding contribution to small-molecule NMR. He was awarded the 2018 Shoolery Prize by the SMASH Committee. Visit here for an overview of his exceptional work!

RSC Ronald Belcher award 2017 - Dr Matthew Wallace

Congratulations Matthew Wallace, presently at the University of East Anglia, for winning this pretigeous award. Some of Matthew's work with NMR used to probe gels was presented at the recent Xmas NMRDG. The work was primarily performed whilst at Liverpool University. Matthew has also joined the NMRDG committee.

RSC Joseph Black award 2017 winner - Dr Nicholle Bell

Our congratulations go to Dr Nicholle Bell, University of Edinburgh Awarded for innovative developments in the teaching and practice of spectroscopy.

A fuller description of Dr Bell's work can be found on the RSC website.

Home > Awards and bursaries > Student bursaries

NMR Discussion Group: Student Bursaries

A limited number of bursaries of value up to £400 will be made available each year by the NMRDG of the Royal Society of Chemistry to support training, short research placements (including industry) and conference attendance.

The application process is competitive and there are 3 deadlines per year, 1st March, 1st July, and 1st November. Decisions will be communicated within 4 weeks of the closing date.

Applications are open to all current PhD students based in a UK University or research institute, and those training in industry without a PhD provided you are a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the NMRDG. Applications will be considered by a small group from the NMRDG committee and will be prioritised based on scientific merit. Applications of equal scientific merit will be further prioritised according to criteria including access to alternative funding.

Successful applicants for conference bursaries are expected to present at the meeting (as either oral or poster) and this status must be confirmed before any payments are made.

Bursaries will be paid to successful applicants on receipt of proof of travel, submitted either before or after the meeting. This should include submission of photocopies of registration/tickets/travel documents (showing cost and travel dates), accompanied by a receipt as proof of payment. In the event that the recipient is unable to attend the meeting the value of the bursary payment should be returned to the NMRDG.

Please submit your application through Microsoft form:

Home > Awards and bursaries > ABS Trust bursaries

ABS Trust bursaries

The NMRDG would like to draw your attention to the Association of British Spectroscopists Trust (ABS Trust) website, and the availability through it for UK-based students in spectroscopy-related research/applications to apply for an ABS Trust bursary.

The ABS Trust website also contains information and application forms for the Kirkbright and Steers bursary awards that assist a promising early career scientist of any nation to attend a recognised scientific meeting or visit a place of learning.

ABS Trust, Bursary Application, UK students only

Kirkbright-Steers Award

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Chairperson: Dr Melanie Britton
Secretary: Dr Ralph Adams
Treasurer: Dr Andrew Gibbs

Committee members:
Prof Sharon Ashbrook FRSC
Dr Robin Blagg MRSC
Prof Frédéric Blanc
Dr Stephen Byard
Dr Iain Day CSci CChem MRSC
Prof Simon B Duckett CChem MRSC
Dr Meghan Halse
Prof Flemming Hansen FRSC
Dr Trey Koev
Dr John Lowe
Dr Harry Parkes
Dr Tran Pham
Dr Thomas Robertson
Dr Vanessa Timmermann
Dr Matthew Wallace
Dr Sara Whittaker

Past committee members:
Dr Laura Castanar Acedo
Prof Craig Butts
Dr Mike Bernstein CChem MRSC
Prof Gareth Morris CChem FRSC
Dr John A Parkinson FRSC